Many wedding traditions stem from superstitions or symbolic acts representing the bonds of a lovely and prosperous marriage. Wedding flowers, in particular, are rich with these superstitions and symbolism that have evolved from ancient practices to modern beauty and popular trends. Here at Griffin’s Floral Designs, we are exploring seven superstitions around wedding blooms that are said to bring good luck, happiness, and success to the newlyweds.
7 Lucky Wedding Flower Superstitions
Carry Roses to Enhance Love
It’s no secret that roses are symbols of love and romance. In Greece, roses play a large part in weddings as they are believed to be connected to not only love but fertility as well. During the ceremonial “Dance of Isaiah,” the couple getting married circles the altar three times. While they complete the third circle, rice and rose petals fill the air as they are tossed toward them in celebration of their official union as newlyweds. In other parts of the world, it is also common practice to throw rose petals as the couple walks down the aisle hand in hand or exits the church ceremony venue to invite abundance into their lives and enhance their love.
Ivy for Never-Ending Love
Another superstition originating in ancient Greece is carrying ivy in bridal bouquets. While this plant was linked to a few superstitions, such as warding off witches, it was also believed to suppress drunkenness. When included in bridal bouquets during wedding ceremonies, ivy was symbolic of the never-ending love the bride had for her spouse.
Include Ringing Bells as a Reminder of Your Vows
Church bells are usually heard from miles away and chime during important holidays or special events. In Ireland, ringing bells at weddings were a way to keep evil spirits at bay and guarantee the couple had a harmonious life together. Bells were also a standard gift for couples to receive as wedding gifts. Additionally, Irish brides often included ringing bells in their bridal bouquets so they would be reminded of the sacred vows they shared with their partner as they heard them ring.
Peonies for a Prosperous Future
Peonies are a trendy wedding bloom, but there is more to the story than you might realize. Peonies have been a popular wedding flower in China for a long time and are even embroidered on the bride’s outfit to bring wealth. In Korea, peonies are frequently included in wedding centerpieces as a symbol of passion and happiness in marriage.
Herbs to Ward Off Evil
The origin of carrying a bouquet of flowers down the aisle on your wedding day dates back to ancient Rome. However, they weren’t carrying vibrant blooms but a collection of herbs and garlic that would ward off evil spirits who might cause chaos or curse the newlyweds. In addition to ensuring a lovely wedding and marriage, many of the herbs in bridal bouquets also symbolized fertility and faithfulness.
Lilies to Attract Positive Spirits
One might guess that the superstition of carrying lilies in your bridal bouquet is linked to purity, grace, romance, love, elegance, or femininity. However, it actually began at Polynesian weddings. During the ceremony, the officiant ties the couple’s wrists together (AKA “ties the knot”) using a garland of palm lilies. This sacred bloom is believed to not only avert evil spirits but attract positive ones.
Bouquet Tosses for Good Luck
Some people look forward to the wedding tradition of the bouquet toss, while others have different opinions. Nonetheless, the bouquet toss began in the Victorian ages as a way to keep whoever caught it safe and bring them good luck. Today, this trend has evolved from safety and luck and instead predicts which single woman will be next to wed.
Whether you believe in superstitions or not, reach out to the wedding experts here at Griffin’s Floral Designs to create the perfect symbolic bouquet and centerpieces for your big day.