It is very important that the style of your bouquet matches that of your wedding. Your bouquet is a centerpiece of your wedding ceremony. People will be looking at it, just as much as they are looking at your dress, veil, bridesmaids’ dresses, and any decorations you are using. In fact, people kind of hone in on the bouquet as a focal point for all of the other things around it at a wedding. If it clashes with your wedding decor or theme, your wedding will be remembered for being tacky instead of beautiful. Obviously, you want to make a better impression on your guests than this. That is why you must pay careful attention to the construction of your bouquet.
Bouquet Flowers Should Go With the Colors of Your Wedding
To “go” with the colors of your wedding, bouquet flowers should coordinate or compliment other colors being used in the ceremony. It doesn’t matter if the flowers don’t match the decor at the reception, as it will not be used there except when it comes time to throw it to the single women guests. In the ceremony, however, matching or complimentary colors are crucial.
You will probably be wearing white, so it’s not your dress that the bouquet should compliment (of course, if your dress isn’t white, then the bouquet needs to go with the color of your dress first and foremost). Rather, it needs to coordinate with the colors of your bridesmaids’ dresses, other flowers used in the ceremony, and other decorations. Be sure to choose flowers with colors that blend in easily with your other decor colors, with a little bit of greenery thrown into (accenting) the bouquet to help it stand out as it should when it’s time for you to walk down the aisle.
Bouquet Flowers Should Match the Theme of Your Wedding
Every wedding has a theme, even if it’s just “classical church service.” However, other people have very obvious theme weddings, such as seasonal or holiday themes. Others go for locale themes by having destination weddings. Whatever the theme of your wedding, your bouquet flowers should coordinate with it. If it’s a holiday theme, use flowers that go with that holiday. Seasonal themes should use flowers of the appropriate season. If you’re having a destination wedding, the flowers should be indigenous to the destination. In each case, you should choose two to three appropriate flowers for your bouquet, and you’ll have the perfect matching bouquet for your wedding.